Feeding Therapy
Get your child back on track with strengthened oral muscles and improved feeding skills.
Oral Motor & Feeding Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas
Beginning Therapy

Indications of Potential Oral Motor Weakness
Young Infants
- Unable to finish a bottle during a meal (falling asleep)
- Feeding takes longer than 20 minutes for 2 ounces of milk
- Infants who are loud feeders (tongue clicking is observed)
- Poor lip seal around the bottle with leakage of milk around lips (bib soaking)
- Detaching from breast or bottle multiple times during feeding
- Unable to latch to breast or bottle
- Infants that feed frequently (every 1-2 hours) only taking small amounts (1-2 ozs.)
Falling asleep throughout feedings

Small Children
- Difficulty with articulation and sound production
- Struggles with various sounds
- Inability too use sounds to make words
- Difficulties manipulating food within the mouth
- Difficulty swallowing or spits food out
- Chewing difficulties
- Eating a select diet only
- Refusing fresh foods, only eating processed foods
Constipation due to gulping of foods
Individualized Programs
Our therapists are trained to help children overcome oral motor feeding issues using baby/child friendly intervention programs, with low stress and no pressure exposures. We can help your child overcome failure to thrive, dysphagia, and oral motor delays while supplying all of the information and help you will need to create a more pleasant environment at home.
Schedule an appointment today to learn how our therapists at Carlin Speech can help.
Our specialized programs are tailored to guide your child toward successful feeding goals whether it be to achieve successful breast/bottle feeding skills or transition to fresh table foods to support optimal health and wellness.